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Showing posts from November, 2018

Stop being Nice Guy - Be the ALPHA Male

Life is so Unfair           you see Other men are getting promotion at work. They have a better lifestyle then you. may be a better girlfriend. you are a  nice guy and you are a nice with every single person in your office, friends, family, wife but there is definitely something special in that other guy, you don't have.          The main difference between you and him is that he is an ALPHA male and you are just a nice guy. BUT there is noting wrong  in being a nice guy to every one. most of us are raised with mentality that nicest person. and girls also like a nice guy. Then why  you didn't get what you want in life. LET'S TALK ABOUT BEING ''NICE'' TO EVERYONE       J ames is a nice guy to every single person in his office. he is cool around his friends and all girls and everybody knows that he is a super sweet guy. let's talk about james beliefs and actions. 1. James looks for approvals          James has