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Stop being Nice Guy - Be the ALPHA Male

Life is so Unfair

        you see Other men are getting promotion at work. They have a better lifestyle then you. may be a better girlfriend. you are a  nice guy and you are a nice with every single person in your office, friends, family, wife but there is definitely something special in that other guy, you don't have. 

        The main difference between you and him is that he is an ALPHA male and you are just a nice guy. BUT there is noting wrong  in being a nice guy to every one. most of us are raised with mentality that nicest person. and girls also like a nice guy. Then why  you didn't get what you want in life.


      James is a nice guy to every single person in his office. he is cool around his friends and all girls and everybody knows that he is a super sweet guy. let's talk about james beliefs and actions.

1. James looks for approvals

         James has a Girlfriend. he always puts his significant to others needs and desire before his own; thinking that making her happy which mean Relationship is being working. same thing in his office. he thinks that he should do whatever  his managers says without giving any opinions  of  others staff.

2. He tries to fix everything
      your girlfriend is matters  to you and you think to make her happy. which is not a bad thing. and most of his salary spending on his GF just to make  her happy, but still she doesn't shows any interest in him, and he is trying hard to get her.

3. He is a giving person

       James always make sure that is he helps everyone, his friends, family, co-workers and his GF. but even after doing all of this; people don't appreciate him. he thinks that he is good  to every person but  still something is missing.

4. He holds his Feelings

        James and the Alpha male both got promoted but Alpha Male got a new office and he  is also making more money then James.  both of has a similar job titles and also have a same year of experience. But James is afraid to talk about this matters to his manager because  he is trying to hold his feelings. in Relationship whenever he is getting hurt he can't complain about it and holds his feelings!!!!!!!

5. James tries to avoid Conflicts
                 James knows very well that some people in his office doesn't like him and always says bad thing about him  behind his back. but he never confess anyone because he is just TOO NICE


          He is coolest in his office, his GF likes him. everybody Respects him and he is making more money then James. Let's talk about Alpha Male's beliefs and actions.

1. He is nice just  to be nice
          Alpha Male is nice person but  he is  nice just to be nice and no need to approval of others. Alpha males known that being nice and respectful is a trade of and alpha but being nice to others on the expense of happiness is not acceptable. he has his own principal and he follows them.

2. Alpha Male seems like a Rude person but he is Honest
          Being Alpha Male is being  Real. Alpha Male does not have FAKE image to maintain, so that they tent to be honest because he will speak what is right, which can sometimes seems Rude but trust me guys  being honest is actual sees that being Alpha is possesive. as a nice guy seems to be honest because one he doesn't want any conflicts and secondly he totally depend of approval of others and being honest  won't get him that.

3. Alpha Male has a strong sense of self

          Alpha Male is about him self, he has complete control over his emotions and works; posseses a strong sense of beliefs whereas NICE GUY lacks that self confidence. Alpha Male get what he want and persive and struggle to achieve it rather then just sitting and complaining about  it.

4. Alpha Male make sure that his needs are Fulfilled 

            everyone has needs whether you are a nice guy or a Alpha male. but difference is not like the nice guy, Alpha doesn't put need of others for his needs, Alpha knows that his needs matters to him and it to be fulfilled, not neglected.

5. Alpha Male is Leader

          Alpha are known to be leader, not that they are born leader but they have trade or have developed the trade that a leader should have. they executive moral and ethical courage which is very important as a leader. you have to be courage not like a nice guy that  don't back down for conflict but also there on.



1. Change your Behaviour

          it is not impossible for nice guy to be an Alpha Male, all this need to do is change there behaviour. they should have a positive attitude towards life. you should stop being dependent on others peoples opinion and start being more self convenient and having more self believe in yourself.

2. Don't bottle your emotions 

           when nice guy bottle ups his emotions he fails to get what he wants that is reason they are paid less for doing the same work they do as Alpha because they falls shorts of expressing there emotions and there should be paid equally for doing the same task. they just keep everything inside to avoid conflicts. For nice guy to became an Alpha male they has to express there emotions more freely.

3. It's all about balance 

       Being an Alpha male is all about balance. you don't have to be nice guy Nor you have to be mean. it's all about the maintaining balance. whereas, nice guys to be an Alpha he has to sustain that balance that means being nice when needed and be able to put his down and stand up for his rights when it required. Just practice to balance it out you will see yourself changing into an Alpha.

4. Tell the Truth

         Telling the truth is one of the thing that Alpha don't shy from. they speak truth regarding of better is and how it make other person feel. this is where a nice guy stops because as we have already discussed that nice guys always avoids conflicts and are in need for the approval of others. so, he feel shy for tell the truth.

5. Stand up for beliefs
        standing up for your beliefs is a trick most associated with Alpha male whereas a nice guy will rather agree with other person to avoid the conflicts. this is one thing you should give a immediately if you want to change yourself being nice guy to Alpha Male.

6. Nobody is Perfect

         Nobody is perfect Not even an Alpha Male but he has the tendency to accept his mistakes and apologize where he is wrong But along with it an Alpha Male Knows that he is the leader of a team. you have to maintain a balance everything and maintain there balance to make yourself an Alpha Male.

THAT'S ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
so, what you think ????
Are you Alpha Male or Nice Guy???
comment below and give your review..



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કચ્છ જિલ્લો

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